Advantages of TestAS

Fair, objective, tailor-made

TestAS is an academic aptitude test for all who wish to pursue their studies at a German university. It reliably measures cognitive abilities that are particularly important for studying in Germany.

Objective performance comparison through TestAS

The standardised approach enables an objective and thus fair comparison of the performance of all test takers. Through a careful, theoretically and empirically tested selection of test tasks, TestAS reflects abilities directly related to academic success in an undergraduate degree programme in Germany. 

Study requirements and individual abilities

The results provide both participants and universities with information as to whether individual abilities match the requirements of the degree programme. Through TestAS, test takers also learn about the typical requirements of the course they are aiming for.


A global network of test centres allows for world-wide accessability of the test: Prospective students may take the TestAS several times a year in most countries in the world. The results are available digitally after three (digital TestAS) or four (paper-based TestAS) weeks.

TestAS dates

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