Preparation for the paper-based TestDaF

Get ready for your exam!

We offer you a wide range of material and practice options. Familiarise yourself with the test now, use the preparation material and find out more about the procedure on the day of the exam itself.

Preparation material

It is important that you are familiar with the task formats so as not to lose any time during the exam. You should be familiar with the thinking and working methods of the selected subject area.

You should also work on your German or English language skills, as the test is taken in German or English, depending on your choice.


Tips for working on the exam day

Plan your time well:

  • Work quickly but carefully. It is important that you read the questions carefully. If you read superficially, you may miss important information.
  • Work through the questions in order. The first questions in a group are usually easier than the later questions. We therefore recommend that you work through the questions in the order in which they appear in the booklet. However,
  • If a question is too difficult for you, do not work on it until later. It is better to use this time to answer other questions that you find easier. On average, test takers answer about half of the questions.
  • For maths problems: First look for a solution yourself. Then check whether your own solution is among the given answers. Looking at the possible solutions first can be confusing. If you can't solve the problem, you can try to eliminate the solutions that are most likely wrong.
  • If you are running out of time: No points will be deducted for wrong answers. Mark all the tasks on the answer sheet.

Sample questions for the paper-based TestAS

Familiarise yourself with the requirements and tasks of the exam.

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